We, The First Church of God at Stanton, Kentucky, assembled at 980 East College Avenue, Stanton, Kentucky 40380, in order to care more perfectly for the temporal and financial affairs of the Church, and to prevent complications that sometimes arise in handling church property, and to more properly and carefully care for the spiritual needs of its constituents, hereby establish these bylaws for the First Church of God congregation at Stanton, Kentucky.
We recognize the Holy Bible as the only divine standard of faith and practice, and as our final authority in all matters of life and conduct.
This association is organized for religious, charitable, and educational purposes to advance the Kingdom of God among men and women. Its doctrines, customs, and practices are expected to generally harmonize with the standards of God’s word held by the General Assembly of the Church of God in Kentucky, Inc.
The object of the association as organized under these bylaws is to guide and control the carrying on of the various activities of the Church in such matters as the acquiring and holding of real estate, the receiving and handling of money, and in the appointing and direction of such boards and committees which it may establish.
SECTION 1. The membership of this corporation shall be restricted to those who meet the following conditions:
They must be at least 18 years of age.
They shall have worshipped regularly with the local congregation at least 13 out of 26 Sundays in a 6 month time frame.
They shall have lived during this period of six months in harmony with the doctrines and practices of the First Church of God at Stanton, Kentucky, and with the General Assembly of the Church of God in Kentucky, Inc.
SECTION 2. The rules governing membership herein stated shall apply to the business organization only, and shall not affect in any way the standing of persons in the fellowship of the church.
SECTION 1. Chairman of the Corporation
The pastor of the First Church of God at Stanton, Kentucky shall by virtue of his/her office be chairman of the corporation and exercise general supervision over the business affairs of the corporation. The chairman shall preside at all regular and special business meetings of the corporation.
SECTION 2. Vice- Chairman of the Corporation
The vice-chairman of the corporations is the associate pastor/ deacon. The position will be held by the associate pastor and in the event of no associate pastor, the deacon will fill this position. Vice chairman of the corporation will fill the temporary absence of the regularly chosen pastor for the duration of the temporary absence of the pastor.
SECTION 3. Church Treasurer
A church treasurer will be appointed for the corporation by recommendation of the Board of Trustees and ratified by the Church. He/ she shall keep a record of all tithes and offerings and furnish statements to all the contributing members. This record shall not be published but shall be kept confidential. He/ she shall keep an orderly record of all revenues, expenditures, and receipted bills. The treasurer shall make regular financial reports to the Board of Trustees, and a general report to the church at each annual business session, and special reports upon due notice at any special business meeting of the church. The treasurer shall hold in trust, the funds of the church, in an account, in the name of the church, in whatever bank or banks the Trustees shall choose. He/ she shall sign all checks drawn on the account of the church unless absent. All money must be counted under dual control by the treasurer and Board of Trustees secretary or in the absence of one or the other, a member of the Board of Trustees or Advisory Council must take their place. The term limit for the treasurer shall be 3 years with the option for 1 more additional term, not to exceed 2 terms (six years total).
SECTION 4. Board of Trustees Secretary
A Board of Trustees secretary shall be appointed for the corporation by the recommendation of the Advisory Council and ratified by the church. The board of trustees secretary position shall be appointed to a term of 3 years. He/ she shall keep an accurate record of all proceedings of the corporation and all other duties necessary to operate this office. The church secretary shall take minutes at all regular and special business/financial meetings of the church and the meetings of the Board of Trustees. These minutes are to be recorded in a file to be kept at the church office. All records need to be signed by the chair of the Board of Trustees and should be completed within 7 days of meeting. He/ she shall assist the church treasurer as needed, and shall have the power to sign the checks in the absence of the church treasurer.
SECTION 1. A council composed of the pastor, children’s church superintendent, chairman of the Board of Trustees, president of the Women of the Church of God, a youth representative, and four members nominated by the pastor and his/ her spouse and ratified by the church for a 3 year term shall constitute the council which shall be advisory in the spiritual affairs of the church.
SECTION 2. The council shall meet every other month beginning in January, or at the call of the chairman.
SECTION 3. The pastor may serve as chairman if he/ she so chooses. In the event the pastor does not wish to serve as chair, the position of chair will be selected within the members of the council, along with the vice-chair and secretary positions.
SECTION 4. This council shall serve in an advisory capacity in the coordinating of the programs and policies of the spiritual functions of the church.
SECTION 5. Any member of the church or fellowship who has a problem should pray and fast about it and read Matthew 18: 15-17.
SECTION 6. The council shall be the nominating committee to name one candidate per position for each ratified office of the corporation.
SECTION 7. Advisory Council Secretary
The Advisory Council secretary shall be appointed for the corporation by the recommendation of the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council secretary position shall be appointed to a term of 3 years. He/ she shall keep an accurate record of all regular Advisory Council meetings and special church business meetings non-financial. All Advisory Council minutes are to be recorded and kept in the pastor’s office. All records need to be signed by the chair of the Advisory Council and the Secretary of the Advisory Council and should be completed within 7 days of meeting.
SECTION 8. Seven members of the Advisory Council present shall constitute a quorum. Time sensitive meetings may be conducted via text messaging, initiated by the pastor and/ or vice-chairman of the Advisory Council.
SECTION 1. The Board of Trustees shall be five in number and shall have reached the full age of 21 years. Meetings of this board shall be called by the chairman at least once per quarter, and as needs arise. They shall in their first meeting following the annual business meeting, elect a chairman and vice-chairman from among its members.
SECTION 2. The duties of the Board of Trustees shall be to manage the business and prudential affairs, both real and personal of the corporation. They shall function subject to and under the direction of the corporation. They shall have charge of the receiving and handling of the financial affairs of the corporation. Disbursements shall be made in accordance with the church budget or other instructions of the church when given.
Disbursement for maintenance items shall be made in accordance with the church budget, or other instructions of the church when given, but in no case exceed $7,500 per occurrence, except as specifically authorized by the church. The Board of Trustees may disburse up to $3,500 for any reason they deem necessary without prior approval of the church.
SECTION 3. In this Board of Trustees shall be vested all property rights of the First Church of God of Stanton, Kentucky both real and personal. They shall place the insurance of the corporation’s property, attend to all improvements, leases, buying, selling, repairing, renting, hiring labor, creating funds to carry on the same and such other duties as they may be called upon to perform. This Board or a committee duly authorized may formulate and recommend a program of business to the corporation at a general or specially called meeting, but this shall not be construed to mean that business cannot otherwise be brought before the corporation. Any sale or purchase of real estate must be approved by the corporation by at least a ¾ majority of the church.
SECTION 4. Three members of the Board of Trustees present shall constitute a quorum. Time sensitive meetings may be conducted via text messaging, initiated by the pastor and/ or chairman of the Board of Trustees.
SECTION 5. Vacancies occurring among the members of the Board of Trustees shall be filled by the Advisory Council and pastor. Such appointees shall hold office of the vacated position until the existing term has relinquished.
SECTION 6. The duties of the Board of Trustees shall not include the choosing and placing of spiritual workers in the church. All questions pertaining to doctrine, ecclesiastical forms and usages, and the conducts of its religious services shall be determined by the recognized spiritual leadership of the church.
SECTION 7. A trustee shall serve for a five year term. No trustee may serve more than 2 consecutive terms (maximum of 10 consecutive years) without sitting off the Board of Trustees for a minimum of one year. After a minimum of one year, he/ she may be nominated again for a position on the Board of Trustees.
SECTION 1. All officers and board members of the corporation shall be ratified by no less than 75% of the church body.
SECTION 2. The members of the Board of Trustees shall be ratified by no less than 75% of the church body for a term of five years. Those in office when these bylaws are adopted shall remain in office until their term expires.
One trustee shall be appointed and ratified per year at the annual business meeting.
SECTION 3. All ratifications will take place by secret ballot.
SECTION 4. In the event a qualified ratifying member of the church body finds it impossible to attend the business meeting due to illness or some other unavoidable reason, he/ she may cast an absentee ballot, providing he/ she has requested it two days before the meeting. His/ her marked ballot must be sealed in an envelope and given to the chairman of the corporation before the business meeting, and his/ her name must be approved as a ratifying member and recorded in the minutes.
SECTION 5. One member from each Board / Council shall rotate out at the end of each year in staggering intervals.
SECTION 1. The annual business meeting must be held at the church building on the first or second week of each February, and notice of this meeting shall be given by the pastor in a regular meeting of the church at least one week prior to the date of the meeting.
SECTION 2. The pastor’s salary allowance, provision for housing, fringe benefits, and similar considerations shall be reviewed annually by the Board when the church budget is being presented at the annual business meeting.
SECTION 3. Special business meetings may be called at any time by the pastor. Seven days notice shall be given for any and all such meetings. The written notice shall be posted in the church lobby, printed in the bulletin, and announced from the pulpit. Special business meetings may be held in connection with any of the regular meetings of the church.
SECTION 4. Meetings shall be conducted according to the recognized parliamentary procedure with the order of business as follows:
Reading of the minutes of the last meeting.
Reports of officers
Reports of committees
Reading of Article I of the bylaws
Unfinished business
Dismissals and ratifications and absentee ballots
New Business
SECTION 1. After due consideration of the problem by the Advisory Council, any officer or member of any regular or recognized committee or council of the First Church of God of Stanton, Kentucky, may be expelled from his/ her office by a ¾ majority vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting of the committee in question in collation with the Advisory Council. Such expulsion may be for conduct unbecoming to a member of the First Church of God, for failure of duty, a lack of interest in the work of the church, or for reasons the Advisory Council may deem sufficient grounds for expulsion from this office.
SECTION 2. Notice of the time of such meeting for expulsion and the reason for expulsion shall be given at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting. When one has been expelled from office, his/ her authority in that office ceases at once. This action will in no way exclude him/ her from the privileges of fellowship with the congregation.
SECTION 3. Such meetings of expulsion should be held in the strictest of confidence within all parties involved.
SECTION 1. Upon receipt of a written request, signed by 25% of the voting members of the congregation, the Board of Trustees together with the Advisory Council, shall decide whether or not a special meeting shall be called for the purpose of voting whether or not the present pastor shall be retained. In such a case a meeting is called, a chairman pro-tem shall be appointed to preside. At least two weeks' notice shall be given of such a called meeting of the corporation. If a 75% majority vote is cast against the present pastor, his/ her services as such shall terminate no later than sixty days following the date of such meeting.
SECTION 2. In the event of moral failure of the present pastor as the reasoning of the immediate termination, a month’s pay and a month to vacate the parsonage shall be granted to the pastor and his/ her family under the supervision of the chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Vice-chair of the Advisory Council.
SECTION 1. In the event the church is without the regular services of a pastor, a Pulpit Committee, consisting of seven members, shall be appointed by the Advisory Council. A chairman and secretary shall be appointed by the members of the Pulpit Committee. The chairman of this committee shall be the person appointed to the pastor’s stead and assumes duties as the chair of the corporation.
SECTION 2. The Pulpit Committee shall be responsible for the regular services during the period when the church is without pastoral leadership.
SECTION 3. The Pulpit Committee shall investigate the availability of prospective pastors and study qualifications as to character, leadership abilities, experience, ministerial recognition, and status. If the Pulpit Committee desires, they shall seek the guidance of the Kentucky State Minister who may consult the Division of Church Service of the Church of God for information and certification of ministerial standing before submitting the name of any prospective minister to the church for vote.
SECTION 4. When agreement has been reached by the Pulpit Committee on a prospective pastor, a special business meeting of the corporation shall be called. The Pulpit Committee shall present the name of one prospective minister and give a description of his/ her qualifications.
SECTION 5. The Pulpit Committee shall present the name of only one prospective minister at a time for consideration and possible call. In the event he/ she does not receive as much as a ¾ majority vote of the members present and voting, the Pulpit Committee shall proceed to select the name of another prospective minister for presentation. This order of procedure shall be followed until a pastor is duly elected.
SECTION 6. The Pulpit Committee may arrange with the duly elected pastor and the Kentucky State Minister for a service of installation that will add dignity to his/ her call and express the church’s recognition of his/ her leadership.
SECTION 7. A clear agreement shall be reached with the pastor regarding responsibilities and working relationships.
SECTION 1. The pastor in consultation with the Advisory Council shall recommend a paid church ministry staff position. The pastor and vice-chair of the Advisory Council will present to the Board of Trustees for approval of financial arrangement. Upon the financial approval of the Board of Trustees, the position will then be recommended to the church body at a regular or special called business meeting. A vote of 75% will be required for the approval of the position and budget establishing funding for the position by the church.
SECTION 2. Following approval and funding of the position by the church, selection of a person to fill the position will be made upon the recommendation of the pastor and the church will be informed of the staff selection.
SECTION 1. Upon recommendation of the pastor of the Stanton First Church of God and informing the Advisory Council, a staff member can be terminated. Upon dismissal thirty days shall be allowed for termination of the position, unless there has been defamation of character or falling into sinful or worldly practices such as unholy living, moral impurities, perversion, adultery and/or idolatry. In these cases, the removal shall be immediate and the church shall have no further financial obligation.
SECTION 2. If a staff member desires to resign his/ her position with the church, that person shall present a written resignation to the pastor and Advisory Council. Following acceptance and approval of the letter, and notification to the Board of Trustees the pastor will inform the church. A minimum of thirty days notice shall be given unless other arrangements are made and approved.
We believe that the Holy Bible, itself, is the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with all authority concerning the truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, and as such is the sole and final source of all that we believe. For purposes of church doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, our Advisory Council is the church’s final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application.
We believe that marriage has only one meaning and this is marriage sanctioned by God which joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union according to the scriptures. We uphold this marriage covenant and the sanctity thereof as expressed in love, mutual support and personal commitment, as well as shared fidelity between a man and a woman. As such a commitment, we join together as believers to celebrate the unity of the lives of the man and the woman in holy matrimony and to seek God’s presence and blessing in the life to which they are committing.
We specifically reject any form of sexual immorality, such as homosexuality, as sinful and offensive to God. However, we count persons who may engage in such activities as individuals of sacred worth. They, like all people, need the ministry and guidance of the church in their struggles for human fulfillment, as well as spiritual and emotional care of fellowship that enables reconciling relationships with God, with others and with self. Although we do not condone the practice of homosexuality and consider this practice incompatible with Christian teaching, we affirm that God’s grace is available to all persons, and we commit ourselves to be a ministry for and with all persons. To all persons God offers redemption and restoration to those who confess their sins and seek His mercy and forgiveness through Christ Jesus.
We believe that it is through God’s benevolence and by the sacrificial generosity of our church members that the church facilities are provided. While the church’s facilities are not open to use by the general public, they are often used by approved non-members and groups, as a witness to our faith, in the spirit of Christian charity and as a tangible demonstration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in practice. Therefore, the church may not in good conscience materially cooperate in activities or beliefs that are contrary to its faith. To do so would provide an inconsistent message to the community that may be contrary to the ability of the church staff and members to maintain as part of their witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, the church’s facilities will not be permitted to be used by persons or groups holding, advancing, or advocating beliefs, or advancing, advocating or engaging in practices that conflict with the church’s faith or moral teachings, which may be found in the Holy Bible, the church’s constitution, bylaws, or other governing documents. The Advisory Council of the church shall be the final decision maker on whether a person or group is allowed to use the church facilities.
SECTION 1. These bylaws may be revised or altered by the Advisory Council. Proposed revisions shall be read and posted at least seven days prior to a special meeting. The revised version of the bylaws shall be presented to the church body at a regular or special meeting for approval of revisions with 75% approval of voting members present.